Saturday, January 9, 2010

Spirali & Roasted Zucchini

The Menu: Organic whole-wheat spiral with homemade tomato sauce and roasted zucchini

The Recipes:
Pasta. Cook pasta until al dente. Drain reserving about a half cup of cooking water. Add to sauce and mix well, adding cooking water to moisten as necessary. Add back to heat for a minute or two, stirring well, to warm before serving.
Tomato Sauce. Saute onion in olive oil until the onion begins to brown. Add chopped garlic, rosemary, and celery for cook another 5-8 minutes, or until the celery is soft. Stir in the tomatoes and bring to a boil. Simmer another 30 minutes, or until the sauce is thick (you can also blend all or some of the sauce to thicken it and make the consistency more uniform). (from Cucina Povera.)
Zucchini. Wash zucchini and cut into slice about 1/4 in thick. Toss in roasting pan with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast at 450 for ? minutes until they're as squishy as you want them.

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